Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Bands compete Acting Mayor

Berita Otomotif - Jessica Simpson - After making a successful and glories in the music scene, the band's acting mayor would have collided with a number of Indonesian famous comedians, such as Aming and Sogi Extravaganza and Jodhi "Super Bejo".

Adu acting is packaged in a travel story Wali parody raised from zero to blossom into one of the bands that loved the community. Through parody bandage, they recounts the events that held Spektafest Gudang Garam Merah, in Castle Square on Saturday (20/11) starting at 15.00 pm.

"Musical Parody, not just the music stage as usual, but this time presenting Spektafest collaboration between music and drama funny parody, fun and light, played by bands and famous artists in Indonesia," said Regional Silitonga Fransius Sumbagut accompanied by Eryn Katarina and Morrin as the Event Organizer, when held a press conference with the artists supporters at the Hotel Grand Angkasa Thursday (18/11) night.

The touch of theatrical musicals, he said, a component of the show. Supported multimedia-powered sound system, setting the stage make this show spectacular.

"The event has become pengobar spirit, because it can become an inspiration to the community through drama drawn from real stories of successful artists after a long struggle and sacrifice," he continued. Faank, said Wali Band vocalist ready to give the best performances to the residents of Medan. After 3 months of practicing an acting role that could finally enjoy dilakoninya.

In this event, call Faank, sued Mayor could act. Initially it must be difficult, but with the spirit wanted to learn was finally able to enjoy it. We are also fortunate to collaborate with artists who are known as Aming, Sogi and Jhodi, "he said. Success Spektafest performances in four cities before Serang, Cirebon, Tasikmalaya and Prabumulih, did not escape the cold hands of Rama Suprato Show Director reliable.

Men who had higher education Performing Arts in the United States was deliberately memberik space supporting the artists who featured as hosts at the same time as fitting the story's narrator in each segment of the mastermind-style style, sinden and involved play a role in parody. Before parody Wali, Medan public's top bands will be presented Barron, Fleet and Drive.

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Sweaty Hommes Femmes Grandir

Tukang Nggame Android - Putri Indonesia 2010 - Une étude récente a montré que après un rapport sexuel ou l'exercice, les hommes ont tendance à transpirer, tandis que les femmes ont tendance à être encore meilleur.

Putri Indonesia - Les scientifiques ont découvert que la sueur moyen des hommes plus rapidement que les femmes, deux fois plus pendant l'exercice. Par conséquent, les hommes regardent moins attrayant que les femmes alors que dans la salle de gym. Ce fait montre de leur travail nominalement corps plus efficacement.

L'étude a porté sur 20 femmes et 17 hommes. Certains d'entre eux ont été invités à exercer pendant une heure à température ambiante de 30 degrés Celsius. En outre, les scientifiques ont mesuré la quantité de les faire suer avec des appareils spéciaux, en même temps.

Les scientifiques à Osaka International University et l'Université de Kobe au Japon constaté que les hommes deux fois plus vite que par voie humide dans la tête, poitrine, dos, bras et des cuisses.

Ces mesures ont montré que les hommes étaient plus efficaces dans la sueur que les femmes qui se sont déplacés pour exiger une température plus élevée pour la transpiration. En d'autres termes, les femmes ont besoin d'une température plus chaude de Facebook à la sueur.

"Il semble que les femmes sont moins heureux quand ils ont besoin d'une sueur tout en exerçant," a déclaré le chercheur Dr Inoue Yoshimitsu coordinateur.

Des études antérieures montrent que les hommes ont une plus grande quantité de sueur par rapport aux femmes en raison de la testostérone est censé accroître les niveaux de la sueur.

Ces résultats ont également des implications pour la forme d'exercice chez les humains. Les femmes par exemple, sont invités à être mis en place avec beaucoup de lumière pour obtenir une vague de chaleur.

En outre, le Dr Inoue fait valoir que l'évolution de l'homme dans la cause des hommes et le taux de transpiration des femmes est différent. «Les femmes ont en général le niveau de liquide moins que les hommes si facilement déshydratées. Par conséquent, leur corps s'adapter pour survivre dans des situations qui nécessitent beaucoup d'énergie, dit-il.

Kamis, 02 September 2010

Dessy Bertemu Penipu

Apk Download - Jaringan para penipu cinta dari Nigerian Sweetheart Scam benar-benar menjalankan aksinya di Indonesia. Dessy, panggil saja begitu, pernah mengalaminya. Bahkan Dessy pernah bertemu salah satu dari kawanan penipu itu.

Penipu yang satu ini sungguh tidak tahu malu. Pria yang mengaku bule itu telah tiga kali mencoba memperdaya Dessy. Beruntung, Dessy tidak tergiur. Pengalaman itu diceritakan Dessy pada detikcom, Kamis (2/9/2010).

Salah satu modus yang digunakan, penipu itu mengaku mengirim pengacaranya ke Indonesia. Kepada Dessy, 'bule' itu mengatakan ada sekoper uang yang tertahan di Imigrasi Bandara Soekarno-Hatta.

"Dia minta saya siapkan uang sebesar US$ 500 untuk menebusnya," katanya

Dessy yang sudah 'hafal' dengan para penipu itu lantas mengajak sang pengacara untuk bertemu. Dan sudah bisa diprediksi, dirinya langsung menolak untuk bertemu langsung. Namun saat Dessy mencoba memancing dengan mengatakan akan sekaligus membawa uangnya, pria tersebut setuju.

Jadilah mereka bertemu di suatu restoran di Jakarta. Di tempat itu, Dessy mencecar pria yang ternyata orang Afrika itu mengenai kopor berisi orang yang disebut si bule. "Saya
tanya di mana kopornya, dia bilang di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, saya ajak dia ke sana untuk
menyelesaikan masalah ini tapi dia tidak mau, dia hanya akan beri tanda terima
dari Imigrasi Soekarno-Hatta jika uang sudah diserahkan," tulis Dessy.

Dessy tetap berkeras tidak akan menyerahkan uang. Dessy juga menegaskan tidak akan membantu. "Dia maki-maki saya di restoran tempat kami ketemu," kata Dessy.

Meski sudah berkali-kali hampir tertipu dan dicoba ditipu, Dessy tidak ingin menutup diri untuk para pria 'bule'. Bahkan hingga kini, Dessy mengaku tetap 'cinta-cintaan' dengan para pria komplotan penipu itu. "Just for fun," alasannya.

Dessy Bertemu Penipu

Android Apk Software - Jaringan para penipu cinta dari Nigerian Sweetheart Scam benar-benar menjalankan aksinya di Indonesia. Dessy, panggil saja begitu, pernah mengalaminya. Bahkan Dessy pernah bertemu salah satu dari kawanan penipu itu.

Penipu yang satu ini sungguh tidak tahu malu. Pria yang mengaku bule itu telah tiga kali mencoba memperdaya Dessy. Beruntung, Dessy tidak tergiur. Pengalaman itu diceritakan Dessy pada detikcom, Kamis (2/9/2010).

Salah satu modus yang digunakan, penipu itu mengaku mengirim pengacaranya ke Indonesia. Kepada Dessy, 'bule' itu mengatakan ada sekoper uang yang tertahan di Imigrasi Bandara Soekarno-Hatta.

"Dia minta saya siapkan uang sebesar US$ 500 untuk menebusnya," katanya

Dessy yang sudah 'hafal' dengan para penipu itu lantas mengajak sang pengacara untuk bertemu. Dan sudah bisa diprediksi, dirinya langsung menolak untuk bertemu langsung. Namun saat Dessy mencoba memancing dengan mengatakan akan sekaligus membawa uangnya, pria tersebut setuju.

Jadilah mereka bertemu di suatu restoran di Jakarta. Di tempat itu, Dessy mencecar pria yang ternyata orang Afrika itu mengenai kopor berisi orang yang disebut si bule. "Saya
tanya di mana kopornya, dia bilang di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, saya ajak dia ke sana untuk
menyelesaikan masalah ini tapi dia tidak mau, dia hanya akan beri tanda terima
dari Imigrasi Soekarno-Hatta jika uang sudah diserahkan," tulis Dessy.

Dessy tetap berkeras tidak akan menyerahkan uang. Dessy juga menegaskan tidak akan membantu. "Dia maki-maki saya di restoran tempat kami ketemu," kata Dessy.

Meski sudah berkali-kali hampir tertipu dan dicoba ditipu, Dessy tidak ingin menutup diri untuk para pria 'bule'. Bahkan hingga kini, Dessy mengaku tetap 'cinta-cintaan' dengan para pria komplotan penipu itu. "Just for fun," alasannya.

Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010

Permainan Inggris ‎

Bank Mandiri Bank Terbaik di Indonesia - Game Online Terbaru - Steven Gerrard membantu Fabio Capello terhindar kembali dari pengalaman buruk setelah meyumbangkan dua gol untuk mengamankan kemenangan 2-1 Inggris dari Hungaria pada laga persahabatan di Stadion Wembley.

Selang 45 hari setelah Inggris dipermalukan di Piala Dunia 2010, skuad Capello kembali bermain pada laga persahabatan. Pelatih yang terus kritik itu sempat mendapat ejekan dari tribun di Wembley terutama bek Everton Phil Jagielka mencetak gol bunuh diri pada menit ke-62. Namun dari tayangan video memperlihatkan bola tidak sepenuhnya bergulir melewati garis gawang kiper Joe Hart.

Namun Gerrard berhasil mengangkat performa The Three Lions dengan memborong dua gol dalam waktu empat menit. Kapten Inggris itu mengemas gol pada menit ke-69 dan 73 sebelum mendapat sambutan hangat penonton yang berdiri ketika digantikan gelandang Arsenal Jack Wilshere pada menit ke-83.

Capello mengubah susunan pemainnya kali ini. Ia menyuntikkan empat darah muda setelah Inggris dipermalukan Jerman 4-1 di putaran kedua, dengan menurunkan pemain-pemain seperti Joe Hart, Jagielka, Theo Walcott, dan Adam Johnson dengan formasi 4-3-3.

Pelatih Italia itu 'dipaksa' menurunkan pemain pengganti setelah ejekan dari tribun penonton menggema ketika Inggris gagal mencetak gol setelah para awal permainan. Ia menurunkan Kieran Gibbs dan Bobby Zamora pada laga debutnya. Michael Dawson, Ashley Young dan Wilshere juga diturunkan mantan pelatih Juventus tersebut.

“Ini selalu sama. Ketika Anda mencetak gol Anda bagus. Ketika Anda menang Anda bagus. Ketika kalah Anda bukan apa-apa. Saya pikir ini hanya tentang reputasi saya. Namun kami menang bersama dan kalah bersama,” tegas Capello mengomentari ejekan dari penonton yang terus dilancarkan sepanjang pertandingan kepadanya.

Capello mendapat dukungan Gerrard. Meski ditemani 'hanya' 72 ribu dari kapasitas tempat duduk di Wembley yang mencapai 90 ribu tempat duduk, Stevie G akhirnya bisa membuat fan tersenyum yang memberikan aplaus kepadanya.

“Banyak kritikan yang dilancarkan kepada kami yang mengatakan bahwa kami tidak perduli. Dan ini tidak berarti apa-apa bagi kami yang membela Inggris. Anda bisa melihat reaksi saya ketika mencetak gol pertama dan pemain di tim ini,” katanya.

“Dari pengalaman pahit di Piala Dunia, ada banyak tekanan kepada para pemain untuk menang kali ini dan tampil bagus,” jelas Gerrard.

Secara keseluruhan Capello puas dengan permainan anak asuhnya. Itu dilihatnya terutama pada 30 menit awal permainan. “Namun pada 10 menit di awal permain kami bermain buruk. Para pemain bermain kompak dan sulit menemukan ruang,” katanya.

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Honda Freed Spike Contoh

Berita Otomotif - Honda Freed Spike - Honda's official website reported, beginning tomorrow, the Japanese car manufacturer began marketing a new generation of Freed. Vehicle multi-purpose vehicle or the latest MPV is called Spike. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, his first model introduced in June last year.

freed Spike - Compared to previous models, different exterior look Spike in some parts. Differences among others on the design of the grill, bumpers (front and back), and the main lights. Talk face, Spike is more similar to the Accord, Honda medium sedan.

Spike plotted as a multifunctional vehicle that can be used daily or intercity travel. He had a long 4210 mm, width 1695 mm, height 1715 mm. The interior of the cabin seem spacious. The composition of the second row seats can be folded up and produce a wide trunk. In addition, panoramic view on the vehicle suggests that the cabin is much broader.

Honda still equip this latest model with the same runway kitchen, petrol engine 1.5 L i-VTEC. 1 liter of fuel consumption vs. 16.4 km. The car is also equipped with a continuously variable transmission CVT system.

For security, the body is equipped with technology Spike Advanced Compatibility Engineering (ACE). Another advantage, such as pedestrian-injury mitigation, packet airbags (front, side seats, and windows), and Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA) is offered on some variant.

Price problem has not been reported. However, if marketed in Indonesia and performed with the above features, the price will certainly soar.

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Ramalan Zodiak

Tukang Nggame Android - Zodiak - Be a faithful partner, you should try for the sake of intimacy that are budding. Your career will now be hit by severe shocks. You must be precise in making decisions. Because, if not fatal consequences. Find friends to exchange ideas. Be careful with the winds of the night, this is enough to influence health conditions. As much as possible do not come out at night, when it is not important.

Love Better
Financial: Empty pockets
Health: Sore throat

Too many requests from your partner. Try to hold back a little emotion, do not bother too much on. But, look for a solution. Very likely your career will not grow if you do not make any changes in employment patterns. Impaired body condition, the excess cholesterol. This is because you are paying less attention to types of food, carefully dangerous diseases.

Love: Poor passionate
Finance: Pay off existing debts.
Health: Pain in chest

Show your good attitude even though the relationship has ended. Do not get too carried excessive feelings. Results are pending in the last year you should make a lesson this year. Try to be more passion in their work. Do not be forced to continue their activities until late at night. This will make you prone to getting diseases that are not desired.

Love: Understanding nature
Finance: Stable
Health: Swelling of the gums

Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

Zeman sindir Lippi

Apk Download  - Prediksi Kamerun vs Denmark Mantan pelatih AS Roma Zdenek Zeman mengkritik penampilan tim nasional Italia di Piala Dunia Afrika Selatan 2010. Zeman 'menyerang' pelatih Marcello Lippi dengan mengatakan Lippi telah salah memilih pemain.

Kamerun vs Denmark Menghadapi Paraguay di laga perdana penyisihan Grup F, "La Nazionale' memang tampil kurang gereget. Absennya playmaker Andrea Pirlo, akibat cedera, membuat permainan Italia miskin kreasi. Akibatnya, barisan penyerang Italia pun ikut-ikutan tumpul.

Italia bahkan sempat tertinggal lebih dulu dari "La Albirroja", sebelum gelandang Daniele De Rossi menyamakan skor dengan mencetak gol balasan di menit 63. Pertandingan berikutnya, Fabio Cannavaro dkk akan menjajal perlawanan Selandia Baru, tim paling lemah di Grup F.

Di atas kertas, Italia mungkin tak akan mengalami kesulitan menghadapi "The All Whites". Namun Zeman punya pandangan tersendiri terhadap pertandingan yang akan dimainkan di Stadion Mbombela, Nelspruit, Minggu (20/6/2010).

"Italia adalah tim yang tidak melepaskan tembakan, dan saat Anda tidak melakukan itu, tentu sulit untuk bisa menang. Ketika Anda bermain dengan menunggu mendapat tendangan bebas atau sepak pojok, jelas semuanya akan berjalan sulit," papar Zeman seperti dikutip dari Sky Sports Italia.

"Saya rasa mereka perlu bermain lebih keras. Dan untuk kepentingan tim, saya akan memilih pemain yang benar-benar bisa bermain," sindirnya.

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Pidato Game Online Terbaru

Bank Mandiri Bank terbaik di Indonesia - Game Online Terbaru - Coupe du monde 2010 de la fièvre s'est répandue partout avant l'ouverture du match de football arène universelle terakbar nuit. Le témoin direct en Afrique du Sud aurait probablement plus de plaisir. Même si le baseball avait assez d'argent, ne vous inquiétez pas, vous avez toujours la possibilité de suivre la compétition qui a eu lieu sur l'Internet.

Game Online - L'un d'eux est la concurrence de MSN. Il ya deux jeux intéressants ou des jeux à partir de MSN qui offre une opportunité pour les fans de football de gagner des prix, y compris les billets de regarder la Coupe du Monde en Afrique du Sud directement.

Premièrement, le "Buddy Cup" qui est un jeu qui invite les participants à explorer les MSN et Windows Live site, et chercher des indices pour obtenir un «Power Point». L'utilisateur avec le numéro de la «plupart des Power Point» va gagner des prix attrayants, y compris les appareils photo, imprimantes et pièces justificatives de l'hôtel. Les utilisateurs qui ont le nombre va gagner le Grand Prix - deux billets pour la finale de la Coupe du monde - 22 000 dollars de voyages qui comprennent le transport aérien et l'hébergement.

Les amateurs peuvent également participer au Pro Predictor - un concours qui permettra aux utilisateurs vraiment plongé dans la Coupe du Monde durant le tournoi. Pour jouer, les utilisateurs doivent ouvrir une session sur Predictor Pro sur MSN et j'ai commencé à prédire un gagnant et un score pour chaque jeu dans le tournoi. Les participants peuvent modifier leurs prévisions jusqu'à ce que le coup d'envoi de chaque match en Coupe du Monde. Les joueurs peuvent également créer leur propre ligue et de rivaliser avec leurs amis en ligne à intimider. Cinq joueurs de haut niveau en Indonésie Predictor Pro gagneront chacun un nouveau Blackberry 9700.

«Comme l'un des sports en ligne des biens en Asie du Sud de premier plan, nous reconnaissons l'importance de traduire la joie la Coupe du Monde pour les utilisateurs de MSN en Indonésie, avec toutes les données et pleine d'action de telle manière au cours de la Coupe du monde", a déclaré Craig Law-Smith, Directeur Marketing de l'EES de Microsoft Services en ligne du groupe dans un communiqué reçu, le jeudi (06/10/2010).

En plus de ces deux concours, MSN non-stop pendant la Coupe du Monde 2010 vous donnera tous les fans de football les dernières nouvelles sur la Coupe du Monde en 2010, mises à jour toutes les minutes et un quiz sur le tournoi léger. Ici, les utilisateurs peuvent accéder aux dernières nouvelles et vidéo, une galerie photo spéciale du championnat du monde de jeu de football et les derniers détails, commentaires et statistiques, ainsi que les scores notification directement et grâce à Twitter.

Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

Tour De Singkarak 2010

Berita Otomotif - Tour De Singkarak 2010 - Racecar Azad University of Iran, Amir Zargari (left) tried to overtake Petrochemycal Tabriz Cycling Team, Gadher Mizbani (right) at the stage of the Tour De Singkarak IIB in Muko-Muko 2010, West Sumatra.

The drivers returned from Iran to dominate the Tour de Singkarak (TDS) in 2010, winning a stage 2B 83.9 km distance from Pariaman-Mukomuko and finish at Lake Maninjau, Agam, Wednesday (2 / 6).

Iran is the first racer finishes came from Team Azad University, Amir Zargari, with a record time of 2:11:37. The second position origin Tabriz Petrochemical Team rider Ghader Mizbani with record time 2:11:37. In third position was the other rider Hossein Askari of Tabriz with a record time of 2:11:37. And, four positions of piety Farshid Azad University with a record time of 2:11:45.

For Indonesia's successful racer is the fastest finish Dadi Suryadi from Son Struggle with a record time of 2:12:14 Bandung. United's next racer Kencana Bike Malang Usman Ali with record time was 2:12:41 and the top three Endra Wijaya of Custums Cycling Club with a record time of 2:12:53.

Racecar origin of Malang was also able to be the fastest in the sprint at Lubuk Basong intermedite precisely at 71.8 kilometers. "I do not know if being the fastest. I used to ride my bike, "said Usman Ali after the race.

According to him, with this result is expected to spur the spirit to finish the stage-the next stage. Moreover, third stage, namely Mukomuko-Bukittinggi, has a relatively high hill known as flexure 22 and flexure 44.

In stage 2A which became the fastest rider is Baek Sung Park of South Korea Korea KSPO strengthen the team, while drivers in the country was captured by Matnur from Polygon Sweet Nice Surabaya.

At the finish location, Lake Maninjau Kabuapten Agam, residents welcomed hundreds of drivers with hands quite festive perforation. Besides the local community also welcomed the drivers with the traditional music Drum Tasa. Earlier in the location of the driver finishing stage 2A Tabuik Paiman entertained with art.

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat

Vegetables Recipes - Had a rough face and other acne scars? Do not fret. Because the House of Dura offers a treatment that can camouflage acne scars so it is more subtle through Dura Aquapeel treatment.

This treatment works to improve the rough texture of the face becomes more subtle. Also for the scars, so they can disguise it.

"Treatment can not be made to face that are still active acne, contaminated with the virus, and others," said the physician clinic in the House of Dura, Dr. Andi Nurul Astuti.

Dura Aquapeel addition, the House of Dura also have another treatment that is Dura Perfect10.

Problem skin care problems, especially the face, can be prevented or avoided as early as possible. According to Dr. Lilik Liana cosmetologist, most important do is to maintain the cleanliness of the skin.

"Because acne is also there kumannya, called the P acne. With diligent cleaning, can avoid these skin diseases," said Liana Lilik.

Also avoid the causes that have not been addressed, such as hormonal disorders, everyday care usage is wrong, unhealthy skin and oily skin and stress factors that always arise.

"Hormonal factors also must be considered. The use of family planning or hormone injections during pregnancy, can cause spots. Immediately treat, because the more deeply will be increasingly difficult to treat," he explained.

Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Suzuki Splash

Tukang Nggame Android - La raison en est la taille et de prix similaire à la Corsa, qui est encore dans la hiérarchie des balises, ce qui provoque l'entraînement d'intéresser les clients plutôt Corse. En plus du marché, il est un jumeau Agila, Suzuki Splash, qui est vendu dans des conditions plus favorables.

Alors que Suzuki peut être achetée pour 219 900 CZK, Agila se tenait sur le marché tchèque avec 20 mille écus d'or, et il est dans le segment des petites voitures, un écart relativement important. Significativement moins intéressées à Agile confirmer les statistiques de vente de l'année dernière 2009 s'élève à 1958: 655 en faveur de l'enfant japonais.

Opel Agila est dans sa deuxième génération de la suite de la collaboration avec la marque allemande constructeur japonais Suzuki, la sœur Splash sur le marché tchèque offre toujours. Première mondiale de la deuxième génération de l'Opel Agila a eu lieu en 2007 salon de l'automobile de Francfort en automne, où il a également introduit une nouvelle génération de Suzuki Splash.

Avec l'introduction de ces modèles sur le marché tchèque, les deux marques ont relativement à temps. Les ventes de Suzuki Splash a démarré au début de mai 2008, tandis que Opel Agila est arrivé en Juillet 2008. Le hayon arrière petite marque japonaise avait commencé avec le prix de 219.900, - CZK par l'exécution de base de GA-litre à trois cylindres et les prix ont commencé à Agile 239 900, - CZK pour la motorisation même.

Selon les informations de l'Office tchèque des Opel Agila a été sur notre marché placé près de la Corse, qui, à chaque retenu la grande majorité des intérêts des clients. Pour cette raison, ne sont plus Opel Agila est offert sur le marché tchèque, pendant que sa coéquipière Suzuki Splash est toujours en vente.

Opel Agila sur le marché tchèque n'était pas, contrairement à son frère le nom japonais pour le trhákům ventes, comme en témoigne le nombre de nouvelles inscriptions, qui stipule SDA. En 2008, elle a été enregistrée en 1996, l'Opel et ce nombre comprend plus de voitures de première génération. En 2009, la CIA dispose d'un total de 58 enregistrements de la nouvelle Agila et les quatre premiers mois de cette année, seulement septième Suzuki Splash est pour la même période, beaucoup plus de succès. En 2008, il y avait enregistré 272 en 2009, un total de 655 et les quatre premiers mois de cette année, 131e

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Lowongan Depkeu

Apk Download - Lowongan Depkeu - Ministry of Public Works determined to maintain Porong Highway as a national road. That status will remain held to relocate along the 15 km toll road as an alternative road construction.

"The road remains arterial road, the highway while waiting for the realization of the medium-long term alternative," said Public Works Minister Djoko Kirmanto, in his office, Friday (14 / 5).

That statement is a response from the Legislative Commission D of the proposed East Java and the University of Airlangga to Porong Highway was closed. Mentioned, Housing Feasibility Study Team (TKKP) states, the land around Porong Highway 60 cm deep experience vanish because of mud bubble.

However, these proposals do not get positive signals from Djoko. He expressed, the national road that will remain enabled until the highway was completed.

To anticipate the beginning, the government will make street elevation of 80 cm in one km along the road. "We're the process (the exaltation by the Directorate General of Highways)," he said.

Porong elevation plans for Highway 80 cm represents the short-term steps to maintain the segment in order to stay in operation despite having disappear. "This is our urgent solution," said Director General of Highways Ministry of Public Works Djoko Murjanto.

Moreover, experts were not able to provide solutions related to the traffic diversion plan in the streets.

"There are plans to close roads and divert Porong artery flow of traffic to alternative roads that plays around 35 km from Surabaya to Sidoarjo, but still be studied because it seemed too far," he said.

Regarding the proposed construction of a bridge in Porong, he has not ensure the stability of soil structure in the weight of traffic and the bridge later.

Meanwhile, a permanent solution for medium-long term, that he said, would make an alternative road improvement Waru-Krian-Mojosari-Japanan which was completed in mid 2008. While long-term solution will be done by relocating the highway, arterial, rail, and supporting facilities. For the construction of toll roads will still wait for the release of land that is still 10%.

Senin, 10 Mei 2010

Susno Duadji Ditahan Di Mabes polri

Bank Mandiri Bank Terbaik di Indonesia - Susno Duadji Ditahan - The family in Jakarta, Monday night, visiting the former Chief of Police Criminal Investigation Agency Komjen Pol Susno Duadji now been arrested by police investigators.

Six members of the family came to the place of the arrest of National Police Criminal Investigation Body Building Susno in two cars using the D 34 S and D 4 L.

Susno wife, Mrs Herawati said their arrival only to see it and bring supplies Susno prayer.

Herawati reluctant to answer the various questions to the journalist who since morning waiting in front of the building Bareskrim.

"Arrested's not that innocent," said Herawati.

Susno suspects arrested after a bribery case when the police investigate cases of fraud in business Arowana in Pekanbaru.

When it became Kabareskrim, Susno allegedly accepting money from Rp500 million to Sjahril Djohan Arowana case was brought to the prosecutor.

Sjahril itself is now a suspect in the same case and have arrested the Police. He also became a suspect case of Gaius.

Meanwhile, some activists Indonesian Mosque Youth Coordinating Board (BKRMI) led chairman Ali Muchtar Susno Ngabalin come to see, Monday night.

"I was shocked to hear Mr. Susno arrested. As a friend, I'm sorry. I came to give moral support," he said.

He said the arrest made the show BKRMI Susno also disturbed because he will be the speaker at the seminar to be held by BKRMI.

Associated with the arrest Susno, Ngabalin asked Police immediately explain the reason to make Susno as a suspect and arrested.

If not, he said, so the public can assess the arrogance and the Police have used powers to arrest Susno.

Susno after a suspect was arrested for allegedly receiving money from Sjahril Djohan 500 million when the case is handled Arowana Police Headquarters.

The money was given to cases of fraud in business Arowana can be brought to prosecution.

Police have arrested Djohan itself in another case in which a broker cases of money laundering involving Rp25 billion Gaius Tambunan, staff of the Directorate General of Taxes.

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

Barack Obama Affair

Berita Otomotif - Barack Obama Affair - In Washington Saturday night, politicos and celebrity hangers-on (Justin Bieber! Kim Kardashian! Donatella Versace!) got their schmooze on at the White House Correspondents Dinner. This annual event is typically a lighthearted affair, where the sitting president and media types relax their usual antagonism to trade japes.

The quality and acidity of said japes varies from year to year, although it's hard to top the 2006 dinner, in which Stephen Colbert excoriated George W. Bush.

This year, the featured funnyman was Jay Leno. But the funnier man was President Obama, who launched a few broadsides at Leno's expense. ("I am glad that the only person whose approval ratings are lower than mine is here tonight. Great to see you, Jay!") Daily Beast gossip blogger Lloyd Grove claims that Obama's jokes were crafted by writers from The Daily Show.

Selasa, 27 April 2010

Popular Stories ‎

Tukang Nggame Android -  Is Lindsay Lohan's bad week continuing, or is she turning the page on all the turmoil? As usual, it depends who you ask. Whatever really happened, this much is sure: Samantha Ronson wound up wearing a drink at Hollywood hot spot Trousdale, and promptly tweeted, "Just got a glass thrown at my head..... Hmmm- wonder who did it????"

Eyewitnesses say that Ronson was sitting at a table when Lindsay stormed up "like a bat out of hell" and reportedly tossed a drink Sam's way.

"Everyone was shocked," says a source. "The night was going fine, and all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, Lindsay walked up and caused a huge scene."

Sources say Sam continued to party at the club after the incident, with one Ronson pal adding that "Sam is used to Lindsay's bizarre behavior, and wasn't about to let it ruin her night."

Lohan, meanwhile, had no direct comment on the alleged incident, but later tweeted the following:

"Last night-never again-believe it or not she's done with the club scene i've learned my lesson-sometime's it just takes a glimpse of reality."

While that may be as clear as mud, reading between the lines it sounds like night crawler Lindsay is going into retirement. Maybe we're being overly optimistic, but we're hoping we'll be seeing more of Lindsay in the daytime now, and in front of some movie lights soon.

Kamis, 22 April 2010

Create the Future Movie

Apk Download - Deciding how we want our lives to play out is like creating a storyboard for a movie. Storyboarding is the process of creating a panel of rough sketches that outline the movie and major changes involving plot or action in the production. It was first dreamed up by Walt Disney when he began his animated cartoons way back in the 1930s. It has since become an industry standard and has now moved into the “corporate” world with help from Bill Gates and his electronic storyboarding software, Microsoft PowerPoint.

In order for us to create the movie of our lives we have to decide exactly what we want to happen. First, we create an outline for the entire movie. We start at the end, deciding in the beginning what that outcome will be. We decide what we want in each area of our lives. Next, we conceptualize the plot – we ask ourselves questions to determine specific goals in each category. Finally, the camera goes on and filming begins – we create action steps for each goal and begin to live our dreams. Shakespeare said, “All life is a stage . . . “ the problem is, most of us have amnesia and forget that fact! Forget about your main players and who the supporting cast members are – create your stage for YOU, for YOUR story, and the rest falls into place.

Seeing the big picture of the life you want to live is a tremendous achievement! Better yet, it’s exhilarating! Most everyone who has achieved great success, both financially and personally, has had a clear vision of what they wanted their lives to be like. Clarity is power. Without that vision we’re like ships drifting on the ocean without a captain or a destination. You have to become the captain of our own ship. You have to map out a destination worthy of you.